Friday, June 02, 2006

Microsoft,Yahoo & eBay team in battle against Google

NEW YORK: Is online auction company eBay Inc. an acquisition target? There is speculation that Microsoft is targeting it in order to merge it with its MSN and take on Google more effectively. Media reports indicated that the two companies had been in talks and are now in the process of examining possible anti-trust implications on such a merger. Once the legal hurdles are clarified, the negotiations are expected to resume in full strength, the reports suggested. For more detial plz visit:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Microsoft came into existence to develop OS for pcs! Which they have been good at as a monopoly.

Google, Yahoo & Ebay came into existence to serve online!

As we look at the current business models then online business superseeding the Microsoft business pipelines.

Microsoft needs to acquire a major online business such as Ebay (dont forget through Ebay Miscrosoft takes over paypal and can use the billing mechanism to sell any thing online).

Again I must say look at the other side where Google launched its Video service after but did it made any impact on Youtubes increasing user base NO! not that it starts hurting youtube investors..

As a rule of thumb Microsoft needs to go on shopping not only Ebay but many others to do what it did to our PCs/mobiles with its OS!! ONLINE!